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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Hasło osobowe z uwag = "Pécsi Marton"]

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Maruszczak, Henryk

Loess and environment. Ed. Marton Pécsi.
Cremlingen : Catena Verlag, 1987
lessy - stratygrafia - Europa - saalian

Mojski, Józef Edward

Paleogeography and Loess. Pleistocene Climatic and Environmental Reconstructions. Contribution of the INQUA Hungarian National Committee to the XIIth INQUA Congress Ottawa, Canada, 1987. Ed. Marton Pécsi, Andrey Velichko.
Budapest : Akadémiai Kiado, 1987
lessy - chronologia - Polska

Niedziałkowska, Ewa

Paleogeography of Carpathian Regions. Proceedings of the Polish-Hungarian Paleogeographical Seminar. Tata, Hungary, October 16-22, 1986. Eds. Marton Pécsi, Leszek Starkel.
Budapest : 1989
osady fluwialne - vistulian/holocen

Kotarba, Adam

Paleogeography of Carpathian Regions. Proceedings of the Polish-Hungarian Paleogeographical Seminar. Tata, Hungary, October 16-22, 1986. Eds. Marton Pécsi, Leszek Starkel.
Budapest : 1988
lodowce gruzowe - Tatry

Kalicki, Tomasz

Paleogeography of Carpathian Regions. Proceedings of the Polish-Hungarian Paleogeographical Seminar. Tata, Hungary, October 16-22, 1986. Eds. Marton Pécsi, Leszek Starkel.
Budapest : 1988
paleoklimat - zapis w osadach rzecznych - Wisła, dolina (rzeka)

Starkel, Leszek

Paleogeography of Carpathian Regions. Proceedings of the Polish-Hungarian Paleogeographical Seminar, Tata, Hungary, October 16-22, 1986. Ed. Marton Pécsi, Leszek Starkel.
Budapest : 1988
paleogeografia - Karpaty Polskie - vistulian/holocen

Maruszczak, Henryk

Loess and Periglacial Phenomena. Symposium of the INQUA Commission on Loess: Lithology, Genesis and Geotechnic Definitions and IGU Commission for Periglacial Studies: Field and Laboratory Experimentation. Normandy - Jersey - Brittany. Caen, August 1986. Ed. Marton Pécsi, Hugh M. French.
Budapest : Akadémiai Kiado, 1987
paleogeografia - lessy - Polska

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