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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Instytucja sprawcza = "Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, European Science Foundation Strasbourg"]

Number of results: 5

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Starkel, Leszek

European river activity and climatic change during the Lateglacial and early Holocene. Hrsg. Burkhard Frenzel
Stuttgart : Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1996
doliny rzeczne - ewolucja - Wisła (rzeka) - holocen

Kalicki, Tomasz

European river activity and climatic change during the Lateglacial and early Holocene. Hrsg. Burkhard Frenzel
Stuttgart : Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1996
doliny rzeczne - ewolucja - Białoruś - vistulian/holocen

Marciniak, Barbara

Palaeohydrology as reflected in lake-level changes as climatic evidence for Holocene times. Hg. Burkhard Frenzel et al.
Stuttgart : Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1998
jeziora - poziom wód - Polski, Niż - holocen

Kotarba, Adam Baumgart-Kotarba, Maria

Rapid mass movement as a source of climatic evidence for the Holocene. Hrsg. Burkhard Frenzel et al.
Stuttgart : Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1997
spływy gruzowe - Tatry Wysokie - holocen

Starkel, Leszek

Rapid mass movement as a source of climatic evidence for the Holocene. Hrsg. Burkhard Frenzel et al.
Stuttgart : Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1997
geomorfologia - ruchy masowe - Karpaty - holocen

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