@misc{Malinowski_Jacek_A_2017, author={Malinowski, Jacek}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Raport Badawczy = Research Report}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk}, publisher={Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={A new solution to the problem of finding all minimal d-cut-sets in a flow network with one source and one sink node is presented. According to the developed method, min-d-cut-sets are generated from min-τ-cut sets, where a τ-cut-set is a set of components whose removal or failure causes the source and sink to be topologically disconnected. A τ-cut-set is minimal if no its subset is a τ-cut-set. The method consists of two algorithms; the first one is applied if Φ(C)<2d, the second - if Φ(C)>=2d, where C is the min-τ-cut-set from which min-d-cut-sets are generated, and Φ(C) denotes the total flow capacity of C's components. This distinction results in quick generation of min-d-cut-sets without first having to find many non-d-cut sets or non-minimal d-cut-sets. The presented method is highly efficient, due to a number of technical improvements which include applying different algorithms for the cases Φ(C)<2d and Φ(C)>=2d, and an effective method of checking if the found min-d-cut set is a redundant one.}, type={Text}, title={A new efficient method of enumerating all min-d-cut-sets in a flow network}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/103052/PDF/RB-2017-08.pdf}, keywords={Flow network, Flow capacity of a component/network, Required flow, Maximum flow, Min-cut-set, Min-d-cut-set, Enumeration of cut-sets, Sieć przepływowa, Przepływność komponentu/sieci, Wymagany przepływ, Maksymalny przepływ, Przekrój minimalny, Minimalny d-przekrój, Generowanie przekrojów}, }