@misc{Makulec_Grzegorz_Influence_2000, author={Makulec, Grzegorz and Pilipiuk, Irmina}, editor={Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology}, copyright={Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polska}, address={Dziekanów Leśny}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, language={eng}, abstract={An experiment was conducted in plastic pots filled with loamy sand and inserted into the soil. Half of the pots were sown with one species, orchard grass, and half with a mixture of six grass species. Every year at the end of May, half of the pots in each variant was enriched with 300 g d.w. of earthworm casts per pot. The experiment was continued for three years. Changes in numbers of enchytraeids were observed, and at the end of the experiment also their species composition. Total numbers steadily increased from about 5 103 ind. m-2 to over 60 103 ind. m-2. In all years, enchytraeids were significantly more abundant in monoculture of orchard grass. No statistically significant effect of earthworm casts on enchytraeid abundance was found. A total of 10 enchytraeid species were recorded. No unequivocal differences in the species composition and dominance structure of enchytraeid community were found between different variants of the experiment.}, title={Influence of plant diversity and earthworm casts on the abundance and species composition of the enchytraeids (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) in a lysimetric experiment}, type={Tekst}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/113450/PDF/WA058_91196_P2840-T48_Eko-Pol-A-Nr-3.pdf}, volume={48}, number={3}, journal={Polish Journal of Ecology}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology. Publishing Office}, keywords={Enchytraeidae, plant diversity, earthworm casts}, }