@misc{Więckowski_Marek_(1971–_)._Autor_Can_2020, author={Więckowski, Marek (1971– ). Autor}, volume={93}, number={4}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Geographia Polonica}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={The entire Earth system consists of fully dynamic conditions. Humankind’s manifold large and small influences on the planet are now very well-documented.Changes are now so vast, their traces so significant, that we have come to term this as if it was genuinely a new Epoch in that history – as the Anthropocene.Recently, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how an ostensibly small event at a single locality can take just a few weeks or months to change the world, and in some real sense to stop it. The author in this article in particular seeks to inject a further dose of far-reaching reflection on our pandemic, its influence on life on Earth, and its possible future consequences. Ultimately, then, it seeks an answer for a key question – as to whether COVID-19 is really in a position to stop, or at least slow, the runaway Anthropocene.With a view to encouraging reflection on humankind’s potentially reduced impact on the planet the Author suggestspriority areas of study in the near future.}, title={Can a pandemic stop or slow the Anthropocene?}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/142664/PDF/WA51_176379_r2020-t93-no4_G-Polonica-Wieckowsk.pdf}, keywords={geography, Anthropocene, pandemic, COVID-19, IGU, globalisation}, }