@misc{Kasprzak_Krzysztof_Pojęcie_1977, author={Kasprzak, Krzysztof}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii}, copyright={Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polska}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1977}, language={pol}, abstract={The articles presents observations on the way in which the concept of landscape has formed in natural sciences, particularly in physical geography, geochemistry and ecology. Attention is drawn to differences in the way landscape is treated in the above scientific disciplines due to their different approaches tolandscape problems and different tasks facing sciences concerned with the naturalenvironment. These differences are, however, only apparent, since in eachof the scientific disciplines referred to only one characteristic factor, on the basisof which landscape is defined, is brought to the fore. Landscape studies should,however, cover the whole of the processes taking place in such complex naturaland geographical areas and not, as has been the practice up to the present, onlycertain particular aspects. The author emphasises that the problem of landscapeboundaries, which have clearly received too little attention in all the abovescientific disciplines, continues to be especially unclear.Problems of protecting the landscape from devastation and pollution havetaken on particular importance in present times. Landscape ecology aimed atanalysing physical elements and also elements conditioned by human activities~their structure and significance to the life bound up with them, is destined toplay a leading part in this field. Landscape ecology understood in this sense isthe basis for protection and conservation of nature as a whole, in which the chieftask consists in the necessity for maintenance of the biosphere and attainmentof a state of balance favourable to both sides, between all the elements ofthe landscape and the economic activities of man for the satisfaction of humanneeds.}, title={Pojęcie krajobrazu w naukach przyrodniczych}, type={Tekst}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/153868/PDF/WA058_109526_P3259-23_Eko-Pol-B.pdf}, volume={23}, number={2}, journal={Wiadomości Ekologiczne}, publisher={Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, keywords={ekologia krajobrazu, krajobraz, ochrona}, }