@misc{Zhanaev_Ayur_Born_2020, author={Zhanaev, Ayur}, volume={41}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-NC-ND 4.0 license}, journal={Ethnologia Polona}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper engages with current discussions concerning the ways in which human cultures construct the sphere labeled as “social” against that of the broadly defined environment. I contribute to these discussions with ananalysis of the didactic Buddhist literature of Buryat-Mongols (19th–beg. 20thcentury), focusing on the image of non-human animals and their position in the social/universal order. With the emergence of environmentalist trends in the humanities, pre-modern/“non-Western” inter-species relationships have often served as counter-alternatives to the problematic “Western” nature-culture dichotomy. While expecting to see the human being described as a part of “nature” in the analyzed texts, I found a different picture: the anthropocentric social sphere is clearly distinguished from animals, and in some fragments the idioms used with regard to animals are reminiscent of European evolutionist discourse. Though an exhaustive analysis of Buryat attitudes towards animals is beyond the scope of this study, this literature gives insight into a particular cultural discourse as represented in reputed sources of the period}, title={Born in the Body of Beasts. Animals and the Social Order in the Didactic Buddhist Literature of Buryat-Mongols (19th- beg. 20thcentury)}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/158845/PDF/WA308_191122_P367_Born-in-the-Body_I.pdf}, keywords={animals, social order, environment, Buryat-Mongols, Buddhism}, }