@misc{Michalik_Stefan_Rezerwat_1967, author={Michalik, Stefan}, volume={Nr 24B}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Naturae Ser. B}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={1967}, publisher={Research Centre for the Protection of Nature of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={pol}, title={Rezerwat "Turbacz" im. Władysława Orkana w Gorcach}, title={The "Turbacz" nature reserve in the Gorce Mts. (Polish Western Carpathians)}, title={Studia Naturae Seria B - Wydawnictwa popularnonaukowe Nr 24}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/162441/PDF/KR038_171551_r1967-t24B_SN-Michalik-1-93.pdf}, keywords={Turbacz - nature reserve, Gorce}, }