@misc{_File_1966, editor={K.Wiśniewska, dr}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, howpublished={online}, year={1966}, language={pol}, abstract={Histological diagnosis: Inflitrationes leucaemicae leptomeningum et cerebri. Autopsy examination of 19-month-old patient was performed. Neuropathological evaluation in light microscopy was based on brain paraffin sections stained with H-E, Cresyl violet and Heidenhein method.Abundant diffuse and perivascular leukemic infiltrates were observed throughout the meningeal system. Cells with features of significant damage were predominant. In some places abnormal forms of division were seen. In the nervous tissue infiltrations were observed in the visual band, lateral to Reichert's nucleus and scattered smaller infiltrations in both white and grey matter of cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum and brain stem. The infiltrates never crossed the perivascular space. A pronounced glial reaction was absent. In the cortex, small nerve cell defects, ischemic, chronic type conditions were evident, most prominent in the cingulate gyrus. A single layer of nerve cells was present in the corpus callosum in the upper part. In parts, the lining of the lateral ventricles was damaged and infiltrated. Features of edema and congestion were evident throughout the nervous system}, type={Text}, title={File of histopathological evaluation of nervous system diseases (1966) - nr 81/66}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/193361/PDF/81_66.pdf}, keywords={Metastatic tumor}, }