@misc{_File_1965, editor={K. Wiśniewska, dr}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={1965}, language={pol}, abstract={Histological diagnosis: Meningitis purulenta. Autopsy examination of 53-year-old patient was performed. Neuropathological evaluation in light microscopy was based on brain paraffin sections stained with Hematoxylin-eosin, cresyl-violet and Van Gieson's method.Fibrous exudate with leukocytic infiltration was found in the meninges at the top of the left frontal lobe superior ganglion. Besides, infiltrates of plasma cells, histio or lymphocyte-like cells were present scattered loosely in the connective tissue and perivascularly in the meninges and cerebellum. Plasma cells were sometimes multinucleated. Here and there inflammatory infiltration from meninges penetrated deep into the brain tissue, often through V.R. spaces. A spongiosis-like state was observed, as well as the formation of microabscesses. In the cortex, cellular atrophy, ischemic disorders and steatosis were evident. There were gemistiocytes in the fine layer of the cortex. In the cerebellum, steatosis of the dentate nucleus and Bergman's glial proliferation were observed. Besides, features of congestion, edema, proliferation and glial activation were found throughout the nervous system.}, type={Text}, title={File of histopathological evaluation of nervous system diseases (1965) - nr 80/65}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/197143/PDF/80_65.pdf}, keywords={Inflammation bacterial, Meningitis purulenta}, }