@misc{Dąbrowski_Krzysztof_Long-distance_2021, author={Dąbrowski, Krzysztof}, volume={30 (2021)}, number={1}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, language={pol}, abstract={This somewhat archaic title points to a particular historical period presented in the articles. The article is concerned with technological developments used to transmit writing and images over a long distance and the systems used from the times of Alexander Bain to those used approximately a hundred years ago. It showcases different methods of image analysis on the side of the sender and the methods of image saving on the side of the receiver.}, type={Text}, title={Long-distance electronic transmission of images}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/232363/PDF/Elektryczne_przesy%C5%82anie_obraz%C3%B3w_na_.pdf}, keywords={autotelegraph, belinograph, electroautograph, phototel, phototelegraph, pantelegraph, telautograph, telectroscope, telephotograph, tolentograph, Alexander Bain, Frederick Bakewell, Édouard Belin, Giovanni Caselli, Luigi Cerebotani, Edward Davy, Elisha Gray, Arthur Korn, Raphael Liesegang, Adriano de Paiva, Carlo Mario Perosino, Foster Ritchie, Constantin Senlecq}, }