@misc{Lech-Kirstein_Danuta_Silesian_2021, author={Lech-Kirstein, Danuta}, volume={65}, number={1}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Onomastica}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the paper is Silesian geographical names motivated by colour terms. The analysis comprised Polish and German appellative-derived names of inhabited and uninhabited buildings as well as oronyms and hydronyms. The term colour appearing in the title is broadly understood as every element naming a colour, deriving from a colour term or evoking associations with a colour term. The analytical part contains a description of particular colour terms constituting the basis for proper names, with their meanings, connotations and prototypes. It is followed by a presentation of geographical names in which colour terms are elements of juxtapositions, simple compounds and closed compounds, as well as bases for derived names. Polonised and transitional names were also considered in order to emphasize certain phenomena. Apart from the basic colour referring to Silesia (such as black, green, white, red) the bases for proper names can be non-basic colours, such as golden, silver, copper, ginger as well as more rarely used: purple, azure, grey, greyish.It can be concluded from the analysis that colour names motivated by colours terms not only present a real colour palette but also preserve the image of surface formation, hydrography and the natural characteristics of the landscape, with the minerals, metals and soils in the area, and they can be carriers of valuation and emotion as well.}, type={Text}, title={Silesian geographical names motivated by colour terms}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/233478/PDF/336-Tekst%20artyku%C5%82u-1244-1-10-20211230.pdf}, keywords={geographical names, names of hues/colours, Silesia}, }