@misc{Wawer_Wioletta_Uwagi_2012, author={Wawer, Wioletta}, volume={7}, number={1-2}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Nowy Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny, t. 7, z. 1/2 (2012)}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={Towarzystwo Fizjograficzne}, language={pol}, abstract={Currently the wasp spider is distributed over the whole territory of Poland and it has become a very common species. Data regarding the occurrence of A. bruennichi in the mountains are still scarce. This paper summarizes previously published reports and presents new sites of Argiope bruennichi in he Beskids Mountains.}, type={Text}, title={Uwagi o występowaniu ekspansywnego pająka Argiope bruennichi (SCOP.) oraz towarzyszących pająków sieciowych w Beskidach}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/235461/WA058_271623_P6730_NPF.pdf}, keywords={Argiope bruennichi, expansion, the Beskids Mts., the Bieszczady Mts., the Western Beskids Mts.}, }