@misc{Kizik_Edmund_Goldwasser_2021, author={Kizik, Edmund}, volume={69}, number={4}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The products of Gdansk brewers and distillers, especially the heavy barley beer(jopenbier) and spicy liqueurs, were famous in Poland and throughout Central and Eastern Europe in the 17th c. and 18th c. The taste and appearance of Gdansk vodka (Goldwasser) was praised by German poets and its legend even found its way into the pages of the Polish national epic poem “Pan Tadeusz” (1834). The author of this article presented the situation of the Gdansk distilling and brewing craft from the end of the 18th century until the outbreak of the First World War. Based on trade statistics, he presents the changing structure of manufacturers, the volume and prices of production, exports and the reaction to changing consumer tastes in the industrial era}, title={Goldwasser i jopenbier. Produkcja wódki i piwa w Gdańsku w długim XIX wieku (do 1914 roku)}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/236590/270950.pdf}, keywords={goldwater, dantzic spruce, brewing, distillation, Gdańsk, 19th c.}, }