@misc{Marczewska-Zagdańska_Hanna_Misja_2022, author={Marczewska-Zagdańska, Hanna}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={pol}, abstract={William Bullitt’s 1919 mission to Russia was the final stage of a process initiated on the eve of the Paris Peace Conference and continued in the first weeks of the Conference, in particular during the sessions of the Supreme Council, also called the Council of Ten. The Allied discourse addressed the vital question of Russia’s place and role in building a lasting, stable international order. The questions: “what to do with Russia?” and “what course of action to adopt towards her?” were accompanied by the dilemma of whether to continue diplomatic non-recognition of Bolshevik rule and pursue an economic blockade and military intervention. With out the participation of Bolshevik Russia, heir to the great empire of the tsars, it seemed impossible to build a new world order. Although racked by revolution, civil war, and economic chaos, Russia still held the key to establishing a lasting world peace.}, title={Misja Williama Bullitta do Rosji (luty–marzec 1919) : błąd czy nieudana próba pragmatycznego działania?}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/238146/WA303_274445_A52-KH-R-129-4_Marczewska.pdf}, volume={129}, number={4}, journal={Kwartalnik Historyczny}, publisher={Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History Polish Academy of Sciences}, keywords={United States, Russia, Wilson, Woodrow Thomas (1856-1924), Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich (1870-1924), Bullitt, William C. (William Christian) (1891-1967), Büyük Island (İstanbul İli, Turkey), United States - foreign relations - Soviet Union - 1900-1945, Soviet Union - foreign relations - United States - 1900-1945, Paris Peace Conference (1919/1920), Prinkipo Island (Turkey)}, }