@misc{Piecyk_Karolina_Mechanizmy_2023, author={Piecyk, Karolina}, editor={Szczepanowska, Joanna (1958- ) : Supervisor}, editor={Kulesza, Paweł J. (1955- ) : Supervisor}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, school={Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Marcelego Nenckiego PAN}, year={2023}, publisher={Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Marcelego Nenckiego PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={Mitochondria are specialized, multifunctional and dynamic organelles involved in many processes in the cell. They are the main place for the generation of chemical energy (ATP) as well as the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Due to the wide range of performed functions, mitochondria play a key role in signal transduction in the cell. For instance, they are first to react to stress conditions, and one of the signalling pathways that enables them to adapt to those changes is the mitochondrial retrograde signalling cascade, i.e. the mitochondria− nucleus−mitochondria signalling. Such feedback signaling and mitochondrial adaptation allow to keep the cell in good condition. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been observed in many diseases and in the process of cellular ageing. However, research on mitochondrial metabolism in early ageing is still lacking. In addition, natural compounds are sought that, through their properties, can contribute to delaying the aging process. The study aims to investigate how mitochondria adapt in the early stage of phase of induced (which was caused by short-term oxidative stress by tert-butyl hydroperoxide) and replicative (depending on telomere shortening) ageing in the primary line of fibroblasts and to investigate the influence of the phytoestrogen - daidzein on these processes. Therefore, the elements leading to mitochondrial adaptation through regulation of the retrograde signalling cascade were characterized and mitochondrial dynamics processes such as network reorganization, mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy/mitophagy were investigated. In the early stages of ageing, both accelerated and replicative, a reverse signalling cascade is induced by elevated levels of ROS in the cell. In response to stress caused by ageing, mitochondrial adaptation is disparate for the model of induced and replicative ageing. Studies on the effect of phytoestrogen daidzein on the ageing process have shown that it has a positive influence on the functioning of mitochondria in both types of ageing. A complete and thorough analysis of mitochondrial dysfunction may become an attractive strategy to delay ageing and age-related diseases.}, title={Mechanizmy adaptacji mitochondriów w pierwotnych fibroblastach ludzkich we wczesnych etapach starzenia - efekt daidzeiny : praca doktorska}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/240087/WA488_276474_20278_Piecyk-Karolina-2023.pdf}, keywords={Aging, Daidzein - phytoestrogen, Mitochondria, Mitochondrial dynamics, Oxidative stress}, }