@misc{Buniowski_Jarosław_Osady_2024, author={Buniowski, Jarosław}, volume={72}, number={1}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to identify pastoral and breeding settlements in forest complexes of the Lubaczów County in the sixteenth century and to present selected elements of their organization. The bases for the research are archival and published treasury records from the sixteenth century. Their analysis allows to present, among others: the scale of animal breeding and a summary of livestock owned by individual village inhabitants. Moreover, it is intended to explore the place pastoralism played in the region’s economy and to examine the problem of limiting the role of Wallachian law in the economic system of rural settlements. The results indicate significant wealth stratification among breeders and show pastoralism and animal breeding as an important part of the region’s economy.}, title={Osady pastersko-hodowlane w kompleksach leśnych starostwa lubaczowskiego w XVI wieku}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/241456/277836.pdf}, keywords={pastoralism, breeding, settlement, Wallachian law, Lubaczów}, }