@misc{Nowosielska_Elżbieta_Funkcjonowanie_2024, author={Nowosielska, Elżbieta}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Historii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The article shows possibilities of using press as a source for research on work organization and conditions prevailing in Polish émigré press editorial offices in the years 1865–1918. It presents the members of editorial offices described in articles and mentioned in press, as well as indicates which groups of employees could have been omitted in such texts. In the following part, it mentions methods of obtaining information, including borrowings and plagiarism. The last of the addressed issues were the efforts to provide stable sources of financing of editorial offices. The article discusses the importance of income from subscriptions and advertisements as well as complications related to its regular extraction.}, type={Text}, title={Funkcjonowanie redakcji}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/242318/WA303_279137_II16420_Nowosielska.pdf}, keywords={émigré press, emigration, Polish Americans, Polish diaspora, Polish periodicals - foreign countries - history, editorial office, Poland - emigration and immigration - history - 19th century, plagiarism, press advertisement, subscriptions, Poland - emigration and immigration - history - 20th century, Polish people - foreign countries - history, Polish people - foreign countries - intellectual life - history}, }