@misc{Bitner_Wacław_(1893–1981)_Listopad_1978, author={Bitner, Wacław (1893–1981) and Chlebowczyk, Józef (1924–1985) and Czubiński, Antoni (1928–2003) and Janowska, Halina and Kieniewicz, Stefan (1907–1992) and Kuszko, Eugeniusz and Leśnodorski, Bogusław (1914–1985) and Łossowski, Piotr (1925– ) and Madajczyk, Czesław (1921–2008) and Molenda, Jan (1930– ) and Rostworowski, Stanisław Janusz (1888–1944) and Skibiński, Franciszek (1899–1991) and Szaflik, Józef Ryszard (1930–2008) and Szwalbe, Stanisław (1898–1996) and Wapiński, Roman (1931–2008) and Zakrzewski, Andrzej (1941–2000)}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, journal={Kwartalnik Historyczny}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1978}, publisher={Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, type={Text}, title={Listopad 1918 - niepodległość}, keywords={Poland - 1918-1921 (war of the borders), Poland - 1918-1939 (Second Polish Republic), emergence of the independent Polish state - 1918}, }