@misc{Schmidt_Veronika_(1973–_)_Song_1999, author={Schmidt, Veronika (1973– ) and Schaefer, Heinrich Martin and Leisler, Bernd}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii}, editor={Meeting of the European Ornithologists' Union (2 ; 1999 ; Gdańsk)}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1999}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={Males Aquatic Warblers used three different song types. Playback experiments revealed, that A-type song had an intrasexual function, while C-type song seemed to serve intersexual communication. Song flight contained a higher portion of C-song than spontaneous song. Song flight rate was not constant throughout the breeding season with a maximum in the absence of receptive females. The range use of both sexes was studied using radio-telemetry during two breeding seasons. Males used home ranges of up to 8 ha in size. These home ranges overlapped up to 74% with the ranges of other males. Females used isolated patches of 2.8 to 6.4 ha within activity ranges of 100-160 ha during the mating period. Seasonal variation in mobility of males was correlated to the presence of receptive females. The diurnal mobility of males was constant during the day and decreased after 20:00 when males participated in an evening chorus.}, title={Song behaviour and range use in the polygamous aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola}, type={Text}, volume={34}, number={2}, journal={Acta Ornithologica}, publisher={Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN}, keywords={Aquatic Warbler, Poland, Biebrza National Park, birdsongs, congresses, territoriality, mating systems, playback experiments, song activity, spatial behaviour, birds, Acrocephalus paludicola, Sylviidae, Aves}, }