@misc{Ravnachka_Aleksandra_Lyubenova_Educational_2014, author={Ravnachka, Aleksandra Lyubenova}, volume={27}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Europa XXI}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper analyses the educational infrastructure of Blagoevgrad district, the main characteristics and bureaus of vocational education, the type of training programs and their linkages with the specific expertisedemand of the regional economy and the different communal services. Vocational education is crucial for the formation of knowledge and skills of the workforce and to overcome the gap between the qualitativecharacteristics of labour demand and jobs offered. The study covers the period 2001–2011 - the period when Bulgaria was preparing to join the European Union and when the country became a member of this organization.During that period, several changes in the educational system and the organization and functioning of the labour market occurred.}, title={Educational infrastructure of Blagoevgrad District – A factor of labour demand and supply in the labour market (2001–2011)}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/53618/PDF/WA51_72448_r2014-t27_EuropaXXI-Ravnachka.pdf}, keywords={Blagoevgrad district, educational infrastrukture, vocational infrastructure, labour demand and supply in the labour market}, }