@misc{Lityńska-Zając_Maria_Botanical_2010, author={Lityńska-Zając, Maria}, volume={62}, editor={Skucińska, Anna. Tł.}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, address={Kraków}, journal={Sprawozdania Archeologiczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2010}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper presents the results of the investigation of macroscopic plant remains from the multicultural site in Smroków, Słomniki commune. The features credited to the Funnel Beaker and Baden cultures contained remains of cereals: emmer wheat Triticum dicoccon, einkorn T. monococcum and barley Hordeum vulgare. Features from the Funnel Beaker-Baden group yielded emmer T. dicoccon and common millet Panicum miliaceum. A pit ascribed to the Trzciniec culture, provided imprints of barley Hordeum vulgare and emmer wheat Triticum dicoccon. Charcoals samples contained remains of oak Quercus, Scots pine Pinus sylvestris and birch Betula}, type={Text}, title={Botanical analysis of the multicultural site in Smroków, Słomniki commune = Badania botaniczne na wielokulturowym stanowiskuw Smrokowie, gm. Słomniki}, keywords={Neolithic, Bronze Age, Local crop cultivation, Charcoal, Archaeobotany}, }