@misc{Krótki_Zuzanna_The, author={Krótki, Zuzanna}, volume={XXXV (35)}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Polonica}, address={Cracow}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Institute of Polish language}, language={pol}, abstract={In this article were considered 46 lexical units derivated from the word -czoło. The above written text (the written material) was arranged in the form of word-creating nest. This composition of the process showed the motivating relation between the centre of the nest and a word-group with a different origin. As was evidenced the analyzed lexemes oscillated around 5 semantic fields which contained the meanings such as: the anatomical substance, the meaning — ‘front’,‘the humbleness’,‘the perfection’ and ‘pride’. The assignation of the word to the particular semantic sphere was not arbitrary so far. So we may say that the language is not a continuum (sequence) with consequently manifested rules. In the process of nomination the main point is the creativity of the people.}, type={Text}, title={The polish lexemes with a root czel-/czoł- stemming from czoło}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/57754/PDF/11-131-145.pdf}, keywords={the nomination, semantics, lexicology, lexicology, the history of the Polish language, the change of meanings}, }