@misc{Król_Iwona_Means, author={Król, Iwona}, volume={XXXV (35)}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Polonica}, address={Cracow}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Institute of Polish language}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper discusses nouns serving as means of expressing continuous multiplicity in Arabic and Polish. In both languages the following categories of names serve this purpose: word-formative category of collective nouns (nomina collectiva), names of sets which are separate lexemes (not derivatives), plurale tantum nouns. The most important similarities occurring in both languages are: the categories of collective nouns (except for Arabic personal nouns) and of names of sets being separate lexemes have similar characteristics; most collective nouns and plurale tantum nouns denoting substances are subject to partitive quantification. Differences are: plurale tantum nouns have different meanings and usages; Arabic personal collective nouns are subject to numerical quantification.}, type={Text}, title={Means of expressing continuous multiplicity in Arabic and Polish}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/57761/PDF/18-219-229.pdf}, keywords={category of quantity, continuous multiplicity, quantification, Polish-Arabic contrastive analysis}, }