@misc{Łosiński_Władysław_Rola_1997, author={Łosiński, Władysław}, volume={45}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Przegląd Archeologiczny}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={1997}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The author attempts to evaluate the significance of trade in the history of contacts between Scandinavians and Western Slavs. Their beginning may be dated back to the Vendel period but only at the end of that period and at the beginning of the Viking period did the contacts become more intensive. The trade comprised both luxury goods and bulk products and it centred in the manufacturing - trading open settlements. On the Slavic coast the newcomers from Scandinavia occupied the prominent position among the inhabitants of the settlements. The role of the Slavic element became more prominent in the late 9th cent. with thedevelopment of early towns, which became the centres of economic and social - political life of tribal communities. Further intensification of trade occurred in the late 10th cent., when the early-Piast monarchy entered the sphere of influence of the Baltic economic zone}, title={Rola kontaktów ze Skandynawią w dziejach gospodarczych Słowian nadbałtyckich}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/60032/PDF/WA308_79591_PIII149_Rola-kontaktow-ze-Sk_I.pdf}, keywords={Baltic Slavs and Scandinavians -- role of trade, Slavs, Scandinavian peoples, Slavic Lands and Scandinavia -- contacts, Slavic-Scandinavian relations, Slavic economy, early medieval trade}, }