@misc{Leciejewicz_Lech_Excavations_1985, author={Leciejewicz, Lech and Lopez de Coca Castañer, José Enrique and Rulewicz, Marian}, volume={33}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, address={Wrocław}, journal={Przegląd Archeologiczny}, howpublished={online}, year={1985}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Kultury Materialnej}, language={eng}, abstract={Discussion of results of excavation researches carried out at the medieval settlement on the Marmuyas elevation in the Montes de Malaga in Southern Spain. According to some researchers the Bobastro fortress, mentioned in written Arabian sources, should be localized there. The fortress was the principal centre of resistance of native Christians against Muslim rulers at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th centuries. Researches carried out so far have failed to solve the question of its exact location since traces of the oldest settlement, dated to the 9th-10th centuries, are only poorly preserved in some places. But excavations have yielded a great quantity of new data enhancing our knowledge of the culture of the Mozarabian people who inhabited these elevations in the 10th -12th centuries. Acquired archaeological sources indicate the survival of various forms of ancient cultural traditions and also the strong infiltration of Muslim motifs, perceivable among others in pottery manufacture}, type={Text}, title={Excavations at Marmuyas (Malaga) and Their Contribution to Studies on the Medieval Mozarabian Civilization}, keywords={Middle Ages -- Spain, archaeological research, medieval settlement, Mozarabs, Mozarabian settlement, Mozarabian culture, Marmuyas hill (Spain)}, }