@misc{Chachlikowski_Piotr_Exploration_2001, author={Chachlikowski, Piotr and Skoczylas, Janusz}, volume={49}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Przegląd Archeologiczny}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={eng}, abstract={Recent petrological and archaeological studies on the stone industry of late Neolithic communities of the Kujawy region have made it possible to establish that for the production of tools and weapons the communities in question made use of not only varied but also carefully selected set of stone raw-materials and that the relevant raw material was used selectively in relation to the function of a final product. The choice of the raw material for stone production among the communities was not thus accidental but intentional and depended, among other things, on physical and technical properties of individual rocks to be used. Manifestations of the selection of the most suitable raw material for a final product have been distinguished in a specific selection of raw materials used by the contemporary stone workers in production of virtually all kinds of tools. The presented relationships between the function of the choice and the type of the material used for their production fully justify the assumption that late Neolithic communities of the region had a high level of practical knowledge about the available rock raw material}, title={Exploration of stone raw-materials in stone industry of late-neolithic communities of Lowland Poland (Niż Polski). Prospects for further petroarchaeological studies in the Kujawy region}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/60375/PDF/WA308_79847_PIII272_Exploration-of-stone_I.pdf}, keywords={petroarchaeology, rock raw material, utilisation, Lowland Poland, early Stone Age}, }