@misc{Woźniak_Krzysztof_Paweł_Miasto_2016, author={Woźniak, Krzysztof Paweł}, volume={14}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Journal of Urban Ethnology}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is an attempt to characterise the annual “Museums at night” event organised in Lodz since 2005. The analysis of various data from printed leaflets, catalogues, press articles, on-line resources, the results of a survey conveyed in 2015 and the author’s observations, will result in answering the following questions: How significant is that event for the residents of Lodz? Has the event undergone any significant changes over the years and what are its permanent elements? What is the participants/viewers’ reception of it? “Museums at night” in Lodz became a mass event, a festival and city spectacle in 2008. A number of cultural and educational institutions, museums, as well as churches participating in it steadily grew. The article focuses on the bid of the three main Lodz museums whose collections are devoted to the history of this once multicultural industrial metropolis, namely the Lodz City Museum, Central Museum of Textiles and the University of Lodz Museum. Other forms of participation and entertainment prepared for the viewers, such as workshops, drama events, rides in old trams and small-gauge trains, are also described. The article presents the effectiveness and the methods of promoting the event and spreading information about it, stressing the fact the major source of information was the internet and the largest group of viewers were young people. The author observes and comments on the participants’ limited knowledge and awareness of the museums’ collections and the way they function daily. The participants of the “Museums at night” event are mainly attracted by the night scenery, the festival atmosphere, the various additional attractions and the possibility of sharing emotions within a group. So far, the museum collections seem to be just an added value}, title={Miasto w nocy – noc w muzeum: między spontanicznością a tradycją. Rekonesans badawczy}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/61707/PDF/WA308_81117_P714_Miasto-w-nocy_I.pdf}, keywords={museum, museology, festival, holiday, urban culture}, }