@misc{Kabzińska_Iwona_Nadwrażliwi_2017, author={Kabzińska, Iwona}, volume={61}, number={1-2}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Etnografia Polska}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={According to different estimates Highly Sensitive People constitute 15–25% of the world’s population. Their nervous system processes external stimuli much more intensely than in case of so called average sensitivity people. This in turn evokes in them a sense of constant anxiety, causes hyperirritability and distress, induces psychosomatic disorders, fears or depression. Highly Sensitive People are characterised by strong (often uncontrollable) emotionality, empathy, being highly perceptive to suffering or any indication of injustice, as well as being too quick in placing trust. Quite often they experience loneliness, and a feeling of being misunderstood. Based on the analysis of posts from chosen Internet forums, the author portrays the Highly Sensitive Person. She also examines other issues discussed in these media, like the question of classifying this condition as an illness and thus of „curing” it. According to the author, Highly Sensitive People constitute a cultural minority in a world ruled by the culture of hostility, humiliation and rejection. Their behaviours influence interpersonal relations, but these individuals are also perceived as „different”. They often view their sensitivity as a weakness which hinders functioning in a society dominated by people of „average sensitivity”. On the other hand, according to some highly sensitive people, this quality is in fact a gift. Tedd Zeff holds that Highly Sensitive People have an important mission, which is to „serve as balance to the more aggressive behaviour of some of the non-HSPs who advocate a less than nurturing policy towards humans, animal and Mother Nature” (Zeff 2008, p. 30).}, title={Nadwrażliwi – kulturowi „odmieńcy”}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/65944/PDF/WA308_85281_P326_Nadwrazliwi-kulturow_I.pdf}, keywords={Highly Sensitive Person, school, cultural deviants/creeps, cultural minority}, }