@misc{Dulęba_Przemysław_Problem_2017, author={Dulęba, Przemysław and Kosicki, Andrzej}, volume={62}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Archeologia Polski}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The results of excavations on site 1 at Kurzątkowice, Oława dicstrict, make a very essential contribution to the studies on La Tène culture settlements on the area of modern Poland. Unearthed at the above mentioned site were relics of a small La Tène culture settlement in form of settlement features typical for that time, such as a shallow pit-house, pits of various purpose, clay-pit or pottery kiln. The material, found inside of these features, consisting almost exclusively of vessel pottery, indicates that the features may be dated to the Early La Tène period. The importance of these discoveries is emphasised by the fact that the above mentioned features at Kurzątkowice are up till now the only known settlement features of La Tène culture on modern Polish lands which may be dated to phase LT B1-B2. Many attributes of the pottery workshop registered at Kurzątkowice indicate that the Celtic settlers from Lower Silesia were closely related to the lands of central Danube river basin, particularly to the area of Moravia}, title={Problem badań nad osadnictwem wczesnolateńskim na Śląsku na przykładzie osady w Kurzątkowicach, pow. oławski}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/66206/PDF/WA308_85626_P320_Problem-badan_I.pdf}, keywords={La Tène culture, settlement, construction, pottery kiln, ceramics}, }