@misc{Gruszka_Bartłomiej_Workshop_2017, author={Gruszka, Bartłomiej and Gunia, Piotr and Kara, Michał}, volume={55}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Archaeologia Polona}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={Recent specialist analyses of the early medieval pottery from the area of south-western Wielkopolska and the south-eastern part of Ziemia Lubuska have revealed the presence of traits typical of workshop production, including temper selection by fraction and type, slip application, and use of a pottery wheel. The research used the results of petrographic analyses of selected vessels from the sites in Bonikowo (Wielkopolska Province), Połupin and Stożne (Lubuskie Province), whereas age determination of the assemblages was based on thermoluminescence dating of potsherds (Stożne) and results of 14C dating of bone and charcoal (Bonikowo, Połupin, Stożne). There is a marked contrast between the older phases (c. 6th/7th–9th century) and the younger phases (10th–mid-13th century) of the Early Middle Ages in terms of the occurrence of workshop pottery, which is absent in the latter period}, title={Workshop pottery from the early phases of the early Middle Ages in the Middle Odra basin in the light of specialist analyses}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/66289/PDF/WA308_85989_P357_Workshop-pottery_I.pdf}, keywords={Poland, Wielkopolska (Great Poland), Ziemia Lubuska, Bonikowo, Połupin, Stożne, earlier phases of Early Middle Ages, workshop pottery, petrographic analyses of pottery, slip, absolute dating}, }