@misc{Nowina-Sroczyńska_Ewa_Z_2018, author={Nowina-Sroczyńska, Ewa}, volume={16}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Journal of Urban Ethnology}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The avant-garde artistic formation Łódź Kaliska is a special phenomenon in the cultural landscape of my city, one that goes beyond the framework of critical reflection on art. I have already evaluated the artistic activity of the group in several papers, analysing it from the anthropological perspective. I adopted interpretive strategies that annex the cultural categories of carnival and carnivalisation present in the theoretical thought of M. Bakhtin, his exegetes and polemicists. This paper is an anthropological narrative about the group’s actions in the area of the cities of Łódź, Budapest, Kraków and Darłowo. I analyse their happenings, installations, and live images. The members of the Piotrkowska Street Foundation are the heirs of Łódź Kaliska’s way of thinking and its aesthetics. The Foundation, in turn, has generated many holidays which I describe and analyse from the anthropological perspective}, title={Z cyklu: Mistrzowie ostentacyjnych transgresji. Łódź Kaliska na scenach miast}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/67899/PDF/WA308_88500_P1505_Z-cyklu-Mistrzowie_I.pdf}, keywords={carnivalisation, holiday, urban space, avant-garde}, }