@misc{Kapuściński_Andrzej_(1937–2018)_Pathophysiological_1982, author={Kapuściński, Andrzej (1937–2018)}, editor={Mossakowski, Mirosław Jan (1929–2001)}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Oxford; New York}, journal={Advances in the Biosciences Vol.43 Stroke: Animals Models}, howpublished={online}, year={1982}, publisher={Pergamon Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The 30 min cerebral ischemia was induced by bilateral occlusion of the common carotid artery in Mongolian gerbils under intra-peritoneal pentobarbital anesthesia. The short duration unila-teral carotid occlusion proceded the main ischemic insult to check anomalies of the Willis circle. Cortical bioelectric ac-tivity, arterial blood pressure, respiratory and cardiac fun-ction were continuously recorded during the ischemic period and recovery up to 9 hrs. Postmortem intra-cardiac dye infusion was performed to demonstrate communications between the vertebro-basilar and carotid circulations. In the other group, animals were sacrificed every hour after ischemia and prepared for the light microscopic observations. During ischemia blood pressure increased and electrocerebral silence as recorded. Release of the carotid arteries produced drop of blood pressure below the control values. Recovery of cerebral bioelectric activity took place between 50 min and 3 hrs after ischemia reaching in some cases the control recording. Afterwards the slow decline of electrocerebral activity appeared. The morphological altera-tions were observed already 1 h after ischemia. During recovery of cerebral bioelectric activity with tendency toward normali-zation, considerable progression of structural alterations exi-sted with dominance of cytotoxic edema. They suppressed the ce-rebral function leading to the brain death..}, type={Text}, title={Pathophysiological and Morphological Observation after 30 minBilateral Occlusion of the Common Carotid Artery in Gerbils}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/69576/PDF/Pathophysiological%20and%20Morphological.pdf}, keywords={Mongolian gerbil, Cerebral ischemia, Bilateral carotid occlusion, Pathophysiological alterations}, }