@misc{Kwiecień_Małgorzata_Role_1986-1987, author={Kwiecień, Małgorzata}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1986-1987}, language={eng}, abstract={Nitrogen input from the atmosphere was investigated in a highly industrialized region. It amounted on an average to 15.26 kg · ha-1 · growing season-1. The main nitrogen carrier was dust – 11.90 kg · ha-1 · growing season-1, representing 78.73% of the total input. Field and experimental data have shown that the nitrogen contained in dust was predominantly in the dissoluble form – 10.52 kg · ha-1 · growing season-1. Nitrogen washed out of the dust and the independent nitrogen input with rain water jointly represented as much as 90.50% of the total nitrogen input from the atmosphere.}, title={Role of industrial dusts in the determination of atmospheric nitrogen input in the Rybnik Coal Region}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/70729/PDF/WA058_87357_P2840-T34_Eko-Pol-A-Nr-2.pdf}, volume={34}, number={2}, journal={Ekologia Polska}, publisher={Polish Scientific Publishers}, keywords={nitrogen, rain water, solution, dust, areosols, washing}, }