@misc{Kolendo_Jerzy_(1933–2014)_Archaeological_2012, author={Kolendo, Jerzy (1933–2014) and Dyczek, Piotr (1956– )}, volume={61}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, journal={Archeologia}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={Wydawnictwo IAE PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={The inner courtyard of the army hospital (valetudinarium)) of the I Italica legion in Novae was a cult place of Aesculapius and Hygia, that is an Asklepieion. Here rites were celebrated on behalf of the entire legion, which is attested to by two pedestals of silver statues of Aesculapius and Hygia erected as votiveofferings. Altars of healing deities, raised by officers of the legion as well as by physicians, indicate that it was also a site of private worship for patients and staff of the hospital. The sanctuary of Aesculapius had been built in tandem with construction of the valetudinarium on the eve of the Trajan 's Dacian Wars and was remodeled between AD 156 and 158. The center of worship ceased to operate, alongside with the whole hospital, during great Barbarian onslaughts upon the Balkans in the third quarter of the 3rd century AD. After the incursionsstopped, an attempt was made to restore the sanctuary of Aesculapius. A coin of Claudius II Gothicus was found in its plaster. However, the restoration was given up, the sanctuary walls were dismantled, the altar standing in front of it demolished and the area leveled. Different civilian buildings were erected in the place of the Asklepieio}, title={Archaeological and epigraphical sources for the cult to Aesculapius and Hygia in the army hospital at Novae}, type={Text}, keywords={Roman period -- Bulgaria, Asclepius (god), Hygieia (goddess), worship of Roman gods, Roman military hospitals, Roman sacred architecture -- Bulgaria, Novae (Bulgaria)}, }