@misc{Gębczyński_M._Effect_1964, author={Gębczyński, M.}, volume={9}, number={9}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Acta Theriologica}, address={Białowieża}, howpublished={online}, year={1964}, language={eng ; sum . eng ; pol}, title={Effect of light and temperature on the 24-hour rhythm in Pitymys subterraneus (de Sél.-Long.); Wpływ światła i temperatury na rytm dobowy Pitymys subterraneus (de Sél.-Long.)}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/9319/PDF/BI002_2613_Cz-40-2_Acta-T9-nr9-125-137_o.pdf}, keywords={24-hour rhythm, effect of light, effect of temperature, oxygen consumption, Pitymys subterraneus}, }