@misc{López-Fuster_M._J._Relative_1992, author={López-Fuster, M. J. and Ventura, J.}, volume={37}, number={4}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Białowieża}, journal={Acta Theriologica}, howpublished={online}, year={1992}, language={eng ; Sum. eng.}, type={Text}, title={Relative growth and annual size variation in Crocidura russula from the Ebro Delta, Spain}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/11811/PDF/BI002_2613_Cz-40-2_Acta-T37-nr35-371-380_o.pdf}, keywords={relative growth, body size, Crocidura russula, age, annual size variation, somatometry, Spain, wzrost relatywny, Hiszpania, Zębiełek myszaty, wielkość ciała, wiek}, }