@misc{Aulak_Władysław_Propozycja_1974, author={Aulak, Władysław}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1974}, language={pol}, abstract={The author proposes a mew method for defining met production of the herb layer by analysing the production of each individual separately. Although this method, as being very laborious, is unsuitable for wide-scale application , it is useful, when simultaneous estimation is made of production by the methods hither employed, for defining the extent of errors in estimating production by the methods in general use. The method consists in placing a certain number of grids (minimum 30) in an area, which have fairly densely arranged inner parallel bars permitting of exact localization of individuals with out making it necessary for them to be permanently marked out in the area. The height of each individual is measured, each time observations are made, which takes place fairly frequently over the course of a year. At the same time samples are taken for individual weight in established classes of height (optimum every 1 cm). In this way the differences in height can be converted into difference in the individual’s biomass between two consecutive observation periods. The sum total of periodical increases gives the combined production of an individual, while the sum total of individuals of the same species permits of accurately defining the population’s production. Simultaneous estimation of production by indirect methods in general use permits of defining the errors, of these methods by comparison with the resul ts obtained by the suggested method. Recording the state of each individual every time observations are made simultaneously permits of obtaining additional data on variations in population numbers, variations in production over the yearly cycle, definition of the extent of elimination in different periods etc. Table I contains examples of errors in estimating production by certain indirect methods for 5 species based on data obtained by the direct method.}, title={Propozycja sposobu obliczania produkcji netto runa metodą bezpośrednią oraz szacowania błędów metod pośrednich}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/147214/PDF/WA058_105704_P3259-20-Eko-Pol-B.pdf}, volume={20}, number={2}, journal={Wiadomości Ekologiczne}, publisher={Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, keywords={biological productivity, productivity, biological, ground cover plants, groundcover}, }