@misc{Ptaszyński_Radosław_Kampania_2020, author={Ptaszyński, Radosław}, volume={18}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license}, journal={Polska 1944/45-1989 : studia i materiały}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Historii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is an analysis of the biography of the eminent paediatrician, Jerzy Gelber, who was a victim of an anti-Semitic purge carried out in Poland from 1967. Gelber’s fate is presented against the background of the anti-Semitic campaign conducted in Szczecin (as well as the whole country) since 1967. The text is also a proposal to develop further research on March 68’ emigration using the biographical method.}, title={Kampania antysemicka w środowisku lekarzy Szczecina 1967–1968 : przypadek Jerzego Gelbera}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/152385/PDF/WA303_187510_B155-Polska-T-18-2020_Ptaszynski.pdf}, keywords={March 1968 - Poland, antisemitism - Poland - 1945-1970, healthcare, biography}, }