@misc{Mozga_Evelin_Processes_2020, author={Mozga, Evelin}, volume={LXIV (64)}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Kraków}, journal={Onomastica}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={eng}, abstract={In the Middle Ages, several name-formation processes played a role in the creation of the anthroponymsin Hungarian. The main name-formation mechanisms were:1. Semantic name-formation. Within this mechanism, the anthroponym develops through the use ofinternal elements of the language in such a way that the anthroponymic meaning is created withoutany change in morphological structure. In Old Hungarian naming practices, the most frequenttypes of semantic name-formation were:a. metaphoric name-giving (e.g. farkas ʽfarkas’ [wolf] > anthroponym Farkas),b. metonymic name-giving (e.g. when an “instrument” of a profession becomes the name of theperson practising the given profession; ökör ʽökör’ [ox] > anthroponym Ökör as the name ofa butcher),c. semantic split: e.g. ethnonyms, names of professions, etc., often become anthroponyms withoutthe use of any morphological tool (kovács ʽkovács’ [smith] > anthroponym Kovács).2. Morphematic construction. In the Old Hungarian period, several suffixes contributed to the creationof anthroponyms, among which the most common ones were: -d(i) ~ -t(i), -s, -a/-e etc. Thismorphological solution was the most important tool for adapting foreign names in the MiddleAges: Petrus in Latin > Petr-i, Pet-e, Pet-i, Pet-es in Hungarian.3. Syntagmatic construction. This process, through the combination of two existing lexemes, createsan anthroponym composed of two constituents, in which both elements provide a certaininformation about the named person.In this essay I provide an overview of the typical name-formation processes characterising the formationof anthroponyms in Old Hungarian.}, type={Text}, title={Processes used in the creation of anthroponyms in Old Hungarian}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/162823/PDF/11.pdf}, keywords={personal names, semantic name-formation, morphematic construction, syntagmatic construction}, }