@misc{Głębocki_Benicjusz._Autor_Użytki_2020, author={Głębocki, Benicjusz. Autor and Kacprzak, Ewa. Autor}, volume={57}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The purpose hereof is to present changes in the land use structure (with particular regard to agricultural land) in Poland in the first two decades of the 21st century. In the research procedure, close attention has been paid to the spatial aspects of the changes taking place. The analysis conducted at a national, provincial and communal level covered the period between 2002 and 2020 and was based on the materials made available by GUGiK in Warsaw. Political changes, as well as social and economic transformation have initiated profound changes in land use and the ownership system. Nowadays, these are also triggered by urbanisation processes and ageing of the agricultural population. Changes in the agricultural land resources and transformation in the land use structure identified in Poland are to a large extent associated with the applicable legislation that governs, inter alia, issues relating to the splitting of farms and to the agricultural land transactions. Unfortunately, the provisions thereof have been repeatedly amended, which has in no way been beneficial to the rational use of the agricultural land resources. Changes in the agricultural land resources have affected both farms and other forms of ownership. Agricultural land is considered as a kind of reservoir of land for investments Due to, in particular, the development of transport and housing needs in Poland, further agricultural land shrinkage is expected. It is necessary to ensure sustainable agricultural land management and to monitor changes in the land use structure.}, title={Użytki rolne w strukturze użytkowania ziemi w Polsce w XXI wieku = Agricultural land in the land use structure in Poland in the 21st Century}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/207106/PDF/WA51_234470_r2020-t57_SOW-Glebocki.pdf}, keywords={land use structure, agricultural land, agricultural land structure, Poland}, }