@misc{Affeld_Klaus_Flow_(6), author={Affeld, Klaus and Aguilera, Deibris and Debaene, Perrine and Goubergrits, Leonid and Kertzscher, Ulrich and Timmel, Tobias}, editor={Kowalewski, Tomasz A. Red.}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warsaw}, journal={Lecture Notes - ABIOMED}, howpublished={online}, year={(6) 2005}, publisher={Centre of Excellence for Applied Biomedical Modelling and Diagnostics}, publisher={ERCOFTAC SIG-37 Bio-Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer}, publisher={IFTR PAS}, language={eng}, type={Text}, title={Flow in Artificial Valves and Blood Pumps}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/26777/PDF/WA727_17411_55768_Klaus-Flow-in-artificial-6.pdf}, keywords={Przepływ krwi - badania [KABA], Przepływy krwi, Biomechanika}, }