@misc{Jurkowski_Roman_Stanisław_(1956–_)_Majątek_2014, author={Jurkowski, Roman Stanisław (1956– )}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, language={pol}, abstract={The land estate of Kałnoberże, situated approx. 12 kilometres from Kiejdany in the Kovno Governorate, which belonged to count Edward Czapski, was confiscated from him after the January Uprising. It then became a property of the Stolypin family in 1869, and was passed in 1889 to Pyotr Stolypin who held, at that time, the position of уездный предводитель дворянства, marshal of the nobility of the Kovno County. According to the memoirs of Maria Bock, eldest daughter of Peter Stolypin, her grandfather, General Arkadiy Stolypin had won the estate in a game of cards. However, several Polish landowners from the area claim in their memoirs that Kałnoberże had been given to Pyotr Stolypin's father for his participation in the suppression of the uprising in Lithuania and his later Russification efforts. Yet, based on hitherto unknown archival materials that he recently discovered, the author confirms that the estate was actually won in a bet and presents the circumstances of the take-over of Kałnoberżeby General Arkadiy Stolypin.}, title={Majątek wygrany w karty - jak po powstaniu styczniowym litewskie Kałnoberże znalazły się w rękach rodziny Stołypinów}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/52301/PDF/WA303_71623_A453-SzDZ-R-49-2_Jurkowski.pdf}, volume={49}, number={2}, journal={Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper}, keywords={Stolypin, Petr Arkad'evič (1862-1911) [KABA], Kaunas (Lithuania; Region) - 19th c., landowners - Lithuania - 19th c., estates - Lithuania - 19th c., Kałnoberże (estate) - Kaunas guberniya}, }