@misc{Żabiński_Grzegorz_A_2014, author={Żabiński, Grzegorz and Stępiński, Janusz}, volume={27}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Łódź}, journal={Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences. Łódź Branch}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper focuses on a sword discovered during post-1945 archaeological excavations in Gdańsk, now stored as a deposit in the Castle Museum in Malbork (Dep. 76). The weapon underwent technological examinations by J. Piaskowski, who said that the sword was an example of Late Medieval mass manufacture of cheap and low quality weaponry with the use of cast refined iron. This assumption was maintained in later scholarship. As doubts concerning the authenticity of the sword were raised by visual examination, it was decided to repeat technological examinations. It was found out that the metal in the blade was in fact cast. However, qualitative EDS analysis of slag inclusions demonstrated a very high presence of S and Mn, which testifies to the fact that the metal in the blade was obtained with the use of one of late 19th or early 20th c. steelmaking processes (the Bessemer or Martin process). Based on this and on some external features of the sword (traces of lathe processing, punched typescript letters on the tang), it was assumed beyond doubt that the sword was a pre-1945 replica}, type={Text}, title={A sword from Gdańsk – a technological revolution or a pageant replica?}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/54822/PDF/WA308_75276_PIII368_A-sword-from-Gdansk_I.pdf}, keywords={archaeometallurgy, technological examinations, sword, weaponry, pageant replica}, }