@misc{Kunicki-Goldfinger_Jerzy_J._Problematyka_2014, author={Kunicki-Goldfinger, Jerzy J. and Freestone, Ian C. and Gilderdale-Scott, Heather and Ayers, Tim and McDonald, Iain}, editor={Zych, Iwona. Tł.}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, language={pol}, abstract={Research on more than 900 fragments of medieval stained glass from different places and periods (from the 12th to the 16th c.) gives grounds for a discussion of select issues connected with research methodology and interpretation of results. Topical issues concern 19th c. restoration of stained glass windows and their modern interpretation, research on particular panels, windows and sets of windows, as well as coloured glass, in the lattermost case especially red glass and 12th c. blue glass produced from Roman tesserae}, title={Problematyka badań witraży średniowiecznych}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/54910/PDF/WA308_75133_P320_Problematyka-badan-w_I.pdf}, volume={59}, number={1-2}, journal={Archeologia Polski}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, keywords={glass, stained glass, medieval, archeometry of glass, SEM-EDS, LA ICP MS, optical microscopy, conservation and restoration}, }