@misc{Aspelin_Johann_Reinhold_(1842–1915)_Antiquités_1877, author={Aspelin, Johann Reinhold (1842–1915)}, editor={Biaudet, Gabriel (1877–1884). Translator}, copyright={Public Domain}, address={Helsingfors}, howpublished={online}, year={1877}, publisher={G. W. Edlund}, language={fre}, language={fin}, title={Antiquités du Nord finno-ougrien. 1, Âges de la pierre et du bronze}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/5663/PDF/WA308_912_IV55-T1_ANTIQUITES-DU-NORD_I.pdf}, keywords={Stone Age-Bronze Age -- northern and eastern Europe, regional archaeological research -- northern and eastern Europe, ethnocultures of northern and eastern Europe, Finno-Ugric peoples, Stone Age-Bronze Age cultures, material culture of the Stone Age-Bronze Age, review of archaeological finds}, }