@misc{Király_Gábor_Population_2017, author={Király, Gábor and Czirfusz, Márton and Koós, Bálin and Tagai, Gergely and Uzzoli, Annamaria}, volume={32}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Europa XXI}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper presents some of the most important results and theoretical as well as methodological experiences of a recent research project into long-term socio-economic forecasting in relation to climate change in Hungary. The main empirical part contains a population projection of demographic processes in Hungary until 2051, on the scale of LAU-1. This model focuses on demographic processes with the statistical indicators of population by number and age groups. The main added value of the project is that it delivers spatially disaggregated data on future socio-economic, in particular demographic trends in Hungary and links these processes to climate change through heat waves, thereby addressing the needs of social groups which are most vulnerable to climate change.}, title={Population projection for Hungary and its relation with climate change}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/63684/PDF/WA51_83102_r2017-t32_Europa-XXI-Kiraly.pdf}, keywords={climate change, socio-economic processes, popultaion projection, heat waves, health, vulnerability, Hungary}, }