@misc{Łabuz_Tomasz_A._Autor_Erozja_2018, author={Łabuz, Tomasz A. Autor}, volume={90}, number={3}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={In this work was assessed the impact of the storm surges from the autumn-winter season 2016/17 on the changes of the central coast between Kołobrzeg and Jarosławiec, belonging to the Koszalin Bay. It is the western and central part of seashore named Pobrzeże Koszalinskie. The analysis includes several storm cycles, including significant ones named Barbara and Axel from the turn of the year 2016/17. These surges caused reduction of beaches height by 1-1.2 m and width by 10-15 m. The sediment from the washed off dunes formed an extensive coastal embankment and was deposited in shallow waters. Dunes retreated on average by 2-6 m. The high cliffed dunes were formed, and in the spring months numerous landslides appeared. Maximum erosion caused loss of up to 20-30 m3 of sediment in coastal dunes. The infrastructure facilities was damaged, beach stairs and technical exits were broken completely. In many places, water has spilled onto the low lying land leaving so-called storm surge fans or washover fans. The specific parameters of shoreline and shoreline changes suggest that this was coastal erosion comparable to extreme 100-year storm gusts. The sequence of strong storms from the autumn / winter 2016/17 has caused many places to retreat to the 1980s.}, title={Erozja wydm na mierzejach Zatoki Koszalińskiej jako efekt ponadprzeciętnych zdarzeń sztormowych Barbara i Axel z przełomu 2016 i 2017 r. = Erosion of sandbar dunes of Koszalin Bay resulting from extreme storm events Barbara and Axel from the turn of 2016 and 2017}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/67599/PDF/WA51_87258_r2018-t90-z3_Przeg-Geogr-Labuz.pdf}, keywords={erosion of dunes, morphological changes of the sea-coast, storm surge fans, extremal storms, Koszalin Bay}, }