@misc{Mossakowski_Mirosław_Jan_(1929–2001)_ELEMENTY_1961, author={Mossakowski, Mirosław Jan (1929–2001)}, volume={12}, number={2}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Patologia Polska}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1961}, publisher={Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich}, language={pol}, abstract={A study of 79 cases of astrocytoma of the brain and cerebellum was made. In the majority of the cases the astrocytomas were moderately and not abundantly vascularized, although a few tumors with a rich blood supply were found. The distribution of the blood vessels is related to cellular structure of tumour and type of substrate invaded. Among structural changes in the blood vessels of astrocytomas, fibrosis of the walls was most frequent. Alterations of the vascular endothelium with its activation and proliferation were less common; capillarization of adventitia and lumen of the large blood vessels was rare. Mural hyalinization and calcifications, as well as necrosis in the blood vessels were comparatively rare. A glomerular or convoluted type of vascularization were occasionally encountered. Vascular sinuses and angioma-like formations were seen, in individual cases; this type formed the basis of hemorrhagic accidents in the course of the tumor. Extravascular mesodermal elements in the tumor were meningeal or vascular in origin. The first of these occured when the tumor invaded or they occured the meninges The second type was an expression of reparative alterations in the form of fibrous vascular walls circumscribing areas of necrosis in the tumor, or as thin, intervascular reticulin bridges.}, title={ELEMENTY POCHODZENIA MEZODERMALNEGO W GWIAŹDZIAKACH MÓZGU I MÓŻDŻKU}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/70023/PDF/publ_6.pdf}, keywords={cerebral astrocytoma, cerebellar astrocytoma}, }