@misc{Ryszka_Florian_The_2006, author={Ryszka, Florian and Ostróżka-Cieślik, Aneta and Dolińska, Barbara}, volume={72}, number={1}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, journal={Biotechnologia, vol.72, 1 (2006)-.}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Committee on Biotechnology PAS}, publisher={Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS}, language={pol}, abstract={Organs transplantation has become a routine treatment method for patients with terminal organs incapacity. Organs preservation solutions are the key elements of transplantation success. The ideal preservation fluid should be characterized as follows: it contains compounds of the ATP regeneration, minimizes creation of free radicals and cell swelling, prevents intracellular oxidosis, secures specific oncotic pressure and longer storage time (2-3 days or more). The standard preservation solutions used in Poland are: ViaSpan (Belzer solution, UW), HTK (Bretschneider solution, Custodiol), EuroCollins solution and more seldom Celsior.}, title={The influence of components for stability and biochemical properties on the organs’ preservation solutions}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/87798/PDF/POZN271_114752_biotechnologia-2006-no1-ryszka.pdf}, keywords={biotechnology}, }